Baywatch and Dedication to Your Work
The moral case for dedicating yourself to a job you actually like.
Author’s Note: Since writing this, I found out that one of the stars,
has joined Substack. So I encourage you to go read her work.People want to enjoy their work.
They like the idea of waking up in the morning and being excited to go to their job. To feel good about the job that they do and the impact it has on people. In large part because the thing they're doing is what they really want to do rather than just a job that they're doing to pay the bills and rent and all the other essential things people need. Which isn't to say that they don't need a job that does that for them. There's a reason why they are called the essentials after all. However, what they want more than anything is to both get the essentials and to love what they do. The more they enjoy their work the more dedicated they are.
When they love their work they're willing to put in the time and energy to do it even when they don't have to. People will come in on their day off to deal with problems in the job which otherwise they would leave things alone. Especially because when you have problems at work, it makes the job less fun and harder to do. So resolving things can only do positive things for what you do. More than that, being dedicated to your work means that you'll even do it when you're not supposed to. During your down time you think about your job and ways to make it better. Then you go in and you implement these ideas.
Hopefully, the people around you are just as dedicated as you are and will bring their own ideas to the job and will put in the kind of effort you will. This type of attitude by everyone involved can only help improve the job. Although that can in fact cause some tension itself. Not everyone will have the same ideas about how to improve the job and not everyone will be on board with the way things end up. They will fight and argue about what works and what doesn't. Even the most dedicated employees won't always be willing to work at it if they feel like other people aren't on board with their vision for what makes things great about the work.
Baywatch at its core is about being dedicated to your work. Mitch Buchannon, as played brilliantly by David Hasselhoff, and the people he works with are really invested in being a lifeguard. It's the only thing he's ever really wanted to do and he's been doing it a long time. He cares so much about saving lives on the beach that he will go to pretty much any lengths to protect the beach he's responsible for and the people who come to have fun on the beach. He's even gone so far as to be very specific about the people he wants working with him to do the job with him. Only the best can be part of his lifeguard teams.
He's a dedicated person and it's inspiring to see all the people around him who care so much about it all.
Do yourself a favour and explore dedication to your work by checking out Baywatch as soon as you can.
Baywatch is available on Peacock as well as Amazon.