Christmas Inheritance and Inheriting Christmas Traditions
The moral case for inheriting the traditions of your family when it's your turn.
Christmas does have to end eventually.
Part of what makes Christmas so special is the fact that it's only for a short time and then you go back to your normal life. You can’t live with the Christmas spirit all year round. Otherwise it wouldn't be Christmas, it would just be the way things were. What doesn't have to change however is the things you do at Christmas in order to celebrate it. You don't have to do something new and different every year like you normally do the rest of the time. At Christmas, you can have specific things and specific ideas that happen at just that time of year and just among those people you want it to. For most people, this is your family. They become the people you do these things with and they give you so much joy when you do them.
Eventually, your time of doing them will come to an end though. You will have to either because you can't or because it's time to do something different. If you're lucky though, you can find someone who you can pass these ideas and ways of doing things down to someone else. Someone who has a reason to continue doing them and who loves them as much as you do. Usually the people you want to do this to is your family. You want them to continue what you did so that it doesn't just end with you. There may be changes or different ideas about what to do but as long as the tradition lives on, that's what's important. In order for that to happen though, you need someone in your family who actually wants to keep the tradition going. Someone who feels just as passionately about these things as you do.
Not everyone will see the importance of it though, not even family. From time to time you will have family members who while they like the idea of you doing it, they might not want to do it themselves. Or they don't see the point of it moving forward. So you have to find a way to make them see the value of the tradition and what they mean. Although they can't be your reasons for doing them. That would just end up creating a problem for the new person doing it. They have to be given a reason to love the idea of it themselves. Be able to see what is so great about them and the power that it gives you to keep going with it year after year.
Christmas Inheritance is very much about what it means to pass down the family traditions of Christmas to the next generation. Ellen Langford, as played brilliantly by Eliza Taylor, has grown up seeing her father and his Christmas traditions her whole life. She's seen how much joy and fun he has. The problem is that she doesn't necessarily see the point of it herself. She doesn't see why anyone beyond her father would do it. Which becomes a problem for her father because he's getting to the point in his life where he won't be able to do it anymore. So he gives Ellen a reason to at least try and do what he did. To learn for herself what is so important.
To see the value of the Christmas traditions for herself.
Do yourself a favour and explore the importance of inheriting Christmas traditions for yourself by checking out Christmas Inheritance today.
You can watch Christmas Inheritance on Netflix.