Retrospective: Christopher Reeve's Superman Makes You Believe a Man Can Fly
What was it about Christopher Reeve that made the movies so great? This is a repost of something I wrote earlier.
"You'll believe a man can fly." It's the promise made by the classic movie that cemented the idea of the superhero movie in the minds of many long before the current movie universe revolution.
Recently, the 1970s movie was inducted into the National Film Registry. This move furthers the already storied history of what is widely considered to be the best superhero movies ever produced. I thought it might be a good idea to look back at what made the movie what it is.
Superman, for many, is the beginning of everything superhero related. Even the word superhero contains a piece of the character's name in it. He is widely accepted to be the first superhero ever. There were comic book heroes before him, some of which are still around and still being published in one form or another. But it wasn't until his debut in 1939's Action Comics #1 that the medium really captured the public's imagination.
The Christopher Reeve Superman movie followed a similar pattern. There were attempts to adapt the character before, most notably in the serials where he was portrayed by George Reeves, but none so captured the public imagination like this movie did. It was a tour de force on many levels.
Superman: The Movie as it came to be known was a pioneer in many of the techniques that are used today. The visual effects were done by a still developing blue screen technology. Much of the visual and special effects that we now take for granted began with the iconic movie. The only other film that did anything like it was Star Wars which came out only a few years before. In fact, prior to Richard Donner taking it on George Lucas was in contention for the directing job.
He would ultimately turn it down to focus on Star Wars. No doubt many fans will debate how either would've been different if the directors of these iconic films had been reversed.
What makes the movie special though has nothing to do with the visuals. That honour goes to the fantastic acting of Margot Kidder and the perfection that is Christopher Reeve as Superman. They were perfect embodiments of the comic book characters from the time. A paragon of hope and general goodness that hadn't yet been brought down by the cynicism of the 1980s. Although some of it was present in Kidder's Lois Lane and her inability to accept Superman's inherent belief in humanity's better nature, it's quickly overpowered by the wonder that he brings out in people.
Reeve's Superman perfectly captures the enduring hope of the ideals the character inspires in so many even to this day. His willingness to help others, even in the face of opposition never really falters. At no point in the movie do you believe that he ever questions his idealism or belief in the truth of his mission, attributable to Reeve's take on the character.
While most people credit Jaws with the beginning of the summer blockbuster movie season concept in the 80s. I'm not sure that Jaws would've happened if it weren't for the success of the Superman: The Movie. The cultural and social impact of the first Superman movie can't be over stated. Only the previously mentioned Star Wars even comes close. It's cultural impact is somewhat muted by the existence of Star Trek which came over a decade before it.
Superman however, unlike other iconic films of it's time, was the first of its kind. No other movie captured the imagination of the public before and some would argue none ever will.
After all... it made you believe a man can fly.