Fame changes people.
When people love you for something you did or are doing, you can expect them to like you. In doing so, you learn that it affects you. It makes you want things that you might not ever have. You can enjoy things you never thought you would before. Some people have ideas about what they will be like when they get fame or some kind of popularity, but when they actually get it, that doesn't necessarily become who you are. You can want to be the kind of person who doesn't betray your friends or family when you get fame, but if the opportunity comes up, you might just go ahead and do it. Part of the reason is because once you get fame, you want more of it. Anything that might get in the way of you getting more fame is a problem.
The feeling you get when you find fame is intoxicating. It's almost like a spotlight is shining on you and it makes your world so bright. More than that, people can see you better when there's a spotlight on you. Which makes you want to be seen in the best light by whoever can see you. Anything that might dim the light or change the colour that's reflecting on you is something you're very much aware of. Pretty much everyone has some aspect of a light shined on them. Usually by your family or friends, but it's different when a large group of people know who you are and care about how much they see you or how much you share with them.
Living in a spotlight can also be affected by the people you surrounded yourself with. The light they can shine on you or the one that is shining on them can affect your light. As a result, you have to be very careful who you spend time with and who you let yourself be photographed or recorded with. Because at any moment, the light can be on them or the two of you together. That can affect your light and how much other people want to see you.
Neon is very much about how the spotlight affects you. Santi, as played by Tyler Dean Flores, is very much obsessed with someone shining a spotlight on him. He believes so much in the idea that he deserves to be seen by as many people as possible. He's willing to do almost anything to get a spotlight on him. Usually by people who can give him a bigger spotlight and give him the recognition he believes that he deserves. No matter what he has to do or who he has to turn against, he will do it. Even if that isn't what he went in believing he would become. He didn't want to betray people he cares about, but he does it anyway.
Not necessarily because he's a bad person, but more because the spotlight is so bright. He just wants to be seen.
Do yourself a favour and explore the difficulty of seeking the spotlight by watching Neon as soon as you can.
Neon is available on Netflix.