Newsletter Update: Shifting things to try for better
Going to be doing some new things like exclusive pieces.
Hey everyone,
I thought I would give an update about how I'm going to shift things going forward.
Firstly, I love every subscriber, free or paid, and I will continue to post as much as humanly possible with my current content schedule. Currently I have around 15 free pieces beyond what's already scheduled in my line up and I'm continuing to add more.
However, with rising costs and what's probably a coming recession, I have to think about my economic future and do whatever I can to try and keep myself going. Finding other work is difficult, partly due to some circumstances that I have posted about previously. With my continuing ability to function in mind, I'm going to start posting some stuff exclusively for paid subscribers.
Bigger Projects
The way this will work to begin with is that with an upcoming major project, namely the Smallville series, I'm going to be delaying the release for all subscribers. It's probably the largest project that I've done to date with 10 parts to it covering all 10 seasons of the show. In place of what would normally be the release to all subscribers, I will be adding pieces exclusively for paid subscribers.
What this means is that 3 weeks of the month will still be free pieces and a 4th week is going to be exclusive for paid subscribers. This usually being the second week of the month. Most likely that will go on for at least 10 pieces. I still haven't figured out what that means for when I will be releasing the longer pieces for free. But it will probably be around 10 months between the first piece being made available to paid subscribers and it being available for everyone.
Unless anyone has another suggestion?
Going forward, I will probably be doing this with future longer projects as well. One project will be 17 parts long, though technically it's 3 projects but it covers one universe in its entirety.
Controversial Topics
Being able to put things behind a paywall is also going to give me the freedom to cover some more controversial topics. For instance, I've stayed away from some of the more politically divisive topics out of concern. One of the upcoming exclusive pieces references “The God Problem” and another speaks to the idea of suicide. Another couple have imagery that tends to get people angry and with good reason. I’ve already written several of them. At the same time a few of them are for very popular TV shows or movies which aren't necessarily controversial but I'm putting them behind the paywall anyway.
Here’s some examples:

Putting Together Books
Finally, I'm going to be rewriting a few of the earlier longer series that I did and adding parts to them and putting them together into a book format behind a paywall. It will prepare them for becoming a book itself, most likely to be released through Amazon at some point.
An example of something I will be adding is for my 7 part series on The 100, there’s an artificial intelligence in the series and I will put a chapter on what we can learn from it about artificial intelligence. There’s also a few character studies that can give additional context to some of the points being made about society. Something similar will be done for the Buffy and Angel series. It will be only available as part of these books.
I may also go back to doing more quick takes on things but those will be going behind a paywall as well.
Just wanted to give you all a sense of where things are going in this space. So that there's no surprises when it happens.