For some reason the word “fate” for me will always be tied to that one scene in The Matrix where Neo states he doesn’t like the idea because it implies your life isn’t yours to control.

I’m on the fence about it myself, simply because life itself will teach you there are definitely things beyond one’s control. And the idea of just calling it fate feels too random and chaotic (at least for me).

But, I think people cling to the idea of fate because in a way it gives them hope for the future. If you believe that things are destined for you, why worry so much about the now? It’s bound to get better, right?

The problem comes of course when people become too complacent and lazy with it. Even I as a person of faith are expected by God to do at least some leg work.

And relationships in general, especially long term, take a good amount of work. There is no “love at first sight” nonsense. Real love takes time and effort, something that can be done with anyone (with the right motivation), not just “the one.” (If you ask me that’s a load of drivel as well).

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Which is definitely one of the main conflicts people try and come to terms with. They try to leave things up to fate but then nothing they want happens. Whereas other people show up at an event they weren’t planning on, meet someone important, either love wise or professionally, and things just click.

It certainly felt like fate or destiny or like the world is playing in our favour.

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Oh yes, absolutely.

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