No Way Out and the Trap of Love
The moral case for understanding how love can trap you in a bad situation.
People will do anything for love.
They go to incredible lengths to try and find someone they can love and who will love them in return. When given enough reason by a person you want to be with, you will change careers, move to another city, even cut yourself off from family members who don't think the person you're with is right for you. All because what they want is someone to love them. To feel those intense feelings that make you feel invincible or powerful. You do it because when you get it right, there's nothing else like it in the world, being in love with someone. It can get to the point where it's impossible to know if you're thinking straight when you're around that person. Hopefully they feel the same way about you and it can be magical and beautiful forever.
When you are willing to go to any lengths to find love though, you can end up doing things which under any other circumstance, it would be insane. If that person offers you drugs, you might just take them. After all, the way you feel already is like being on drugs. When they tell you something about themselves, you're more likely to believe them. Since of course you don't lie to someone you're in love with. Not when you feel such incredible things for someone else like that. Everything feels more real and much more honest. Though you don't actually have any way of knowing that at the end of the day. For all you know, the person you're with might not be any of the things you thought they were. They could be an entirely different person and you'd have no idea.
Or maybe they're exactly who you've always thought they were. It was just that you were so blinded by the idea of being in love that it didn't seem to matter. What mattered most is how much you were in love and that being with this person made you happy. Despite the way the person you love acts or does things you don't like, none of that ultimately matters. You only care about them staying with you and if something will get in the way of that, you will try anything to stop it. Including trying to kill them or someone else if it came right down to it. If someone told you that the only way you could be together is if someone else had to die, why wouldn't you go and do that?
No Way Out is ultimately about how some love can trap you. Nick, as played fantastically by Joey Bicicchi, is trapped in a crazy kind of love. He loves Tessa, played brilliantly by Maia Mitchell, so completely that there's literally nothing he wouldn't do for her. No line he wouldn't cross in order to be with her and make her feel as loved and as safe as she wants to feel. On many levels, she is his entire world and he can't live without her. So when she presents him with the possibility of her having to leave and he might never see her again, he will do anything to make her stay. Which is exactly when she offers him a way out. An opportunity to keep her with him and be together forever.
The question is, what is he willing to do for her in order to make that happen?
Do yourself a favour and explore the trap of love by watching No Way Out as soon as you can.
No Way Out is available on Tubi in most places.