This was a real dilemma.

Zombies might not get enough of the public due - and they do have some interesting moral and philosophical problems.

Vampires on the other hand - I have some good friends who are big fans of VAMPIRE DIARIES [books and films].

The zombie problem which would be interesting to cover is their role and accountability in institutional abuse and neglect.

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I'm glad you took the time to really consider the different options. This is partly why I figured I should ask about the possibilities. Because they both have very interesting options to explore.

There's definitely pros and cons to both options. I think despite its reputation, The Vampire Diaries is something that has a lot to say. But I do love iZombie and the way it tackles various ideas. I will probably cover both of them eventually, but it sorta depends on how interested people are in each.

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Another thought:

You have a quadrant of Love; Trust; Suffering and Society.

You probably pick the shows which come to your attention because of what they say about each point; and how the points relate to each other.

For example: Grief is a lot about suffering; love and trust.

The Zombified Society is ... of course about Society.

Again - vampires and zombies and the other undead suffer differently from each other.

And they shine different lights on human suffering when they interact.

Also I am thinking about how vampires love and trust.

Reputation of VAMPIRE DIARIES: more schlocky; less storytelling involved? [and in terms of the sex and the violence].

And then I saw your Coming of Age section where you wrote about BUFFY and ANGEL.

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Well, things are now tied again. It’s going to be interesting to see who wins.

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It was clearly 60-40 when I voted.

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Yes, but since then another person voted and apparently they wanted to go with zombies.

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Yes, I have been looking at figuring out how to deal with this. I definitely want to examine more aspects and quadrants but these feel like some of the most fundamental.

I suspect that I will cover other vampire related series or movie in the future. I know of at least one that I have planned but it's going to be one of the more problematic topics that I'll cover.

As a general rule, I'm not a huge fan of zombie stories but iZombie really appeals to me. I may be covering The Walking Dead but probably not in depth.

Yeah, Vampire Diaries doesn't have a great reputation for those reasons. But funny enough, I was listening to a podcast with an actor from the show and she actually said that the show was about grief. Which is what I came to recognize a while back. It's nice to have it confirmed though from someone who has in depth knowledge.

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