"You have to be willing to truly make the best and most powerful argument against your decision. If you don't, then you're just looking to make yourself feel better. You have to be able to completely destroy everything you previously believed. Really destroy it. The same way that the devil might." Those are powerful words!

It's important to have a well-rounded view about anything that requires critical thinking and objectivity. Mu husband oftentimes plays a devil's advocate. It annoys a lot of people. It annoyed me when I used to be more close-minded. But now I embrace that way of thinking.

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THIS ARTICLE IS RIGHT ON THE MARK ! Similar to Socratic dialogue, only harsher. I always play devil's advocate and welcome other's critiques as a way of strengthening my own position .

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although for many "just disagreeing" is, or has become a way of life that can spoil much needed peace and harmony in an instant. due process is different though and as the term implies, part of a (fair) process.

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Absolutely. I have often mentioned that I try to think from a legal perspective. If something isn't likely to get someone convicted of a crime in a court of law, I try not to assume guilt. Doesn't mean they can't be guilty, but I prefer to know that there's solid evidence.

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So glad you think so. I do that myself as much as possible. Even with people I agree with, I make the case for whoever might disagree with us. Doesn't make you popular though because you tend to frustrate people. But then the devil would love that.

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