Thank you for being part of this small but growing community. Recently I hit 50 free subscribers and it means a lot that so many of you are willing to follow along as we explore the underlying morals and ethics of various films and TV shows.
I just finished the first series of longer form pieces about the way to build a functional society through the series The 100. It was this series that originally inspired me to start this newsletter. I love that I've been able to grow with you through this process. I've learned a lot so far and I'm hoping to do more going forward.
Cancelled TV Shows
I’m curious what people think about the idea of me covering cancelled TV shows? I don’t necessarily mean older TV shows or shows that ended after several seasons. There are a few that recently got cancelled or ones that aren’t necessarily available on streaming. Would you be interested in some of the insights from them?
Ambassador Program
One of the things I've been thinking about is offering access to the paid content for anyone of my current paid subscribers who is willing to help get the word out about the newsletter. Some of the details still have to be worked out, but would anyone be interested in participating?
Additionally, I've been looking at the recommendations process and thinking about what I can do to improve things. There are some other Substackers that I follow who I often find beneficial as a way to inform what I'm currently doing. However, up to this point I've tended to only recommend people on Substack who are also writing or producing content about philosophy or film and television. Some of them have also been known to take controversial positions on various hot button topics, political or otherwise.
Would anyone object to having controversial people in my recommendations? Would it change your willingness to subscribe if I did?
congratulations on reaching 50 subscribers! to answer your questions:
i'm not familiar with some of the shows you reference, but i still enjoy your analysis, so even if you tackled cancelled shows i was unable to access, i still think i'd find it worthwhile. as far as recommendations, i'm personally not opposed to controversial people/subject matter, but i tend to enjoy diverse viewpoints (i subscribe to newsletters i disagree with because i appreciate getting a different perspective--i'm weird like that ;-) it would not affect me, but i can't speak for others.
I get the impression that most people who are on Substack are here to find alternative views to their own. However, I've seen a couple which aren't necessarily as interested in learning from people who disagree with them. So I wanted to be upfront and let people know. Give them the opportunity to offer a different perspective, as you have. Which I very much appreciate.
it's good of you to be sensitive to your readership. i also get the impression that substack is a relatively openminded community, which is one of the things that drew me here in the first place :-)
For sure, they’re definitely focused on getting as many people of different views as they can manage. Including people who aren’t necessarily open to differences.
Would you be interested in helping get the word out for me as well? I’m getting some of the details figured out on that end.
I’m trying to broaden my subscribers. As I suggested in the post, I’m thinking of an ambassador program of sorts. Offering people paid membership to this newsletter for free in exchange for the promotion of it elsewhere. Hopefully getting people to sign up for paid subscriptions themselves at a discounted rate.
sure, let me know what you have in mind. i'd be happy to give you a recommendation, but i'm not on social media or anything, so i'm not sure i can be of much help anywhere else...
congratulations on reaching 50 subscribers! to answer your questions:
i'm not familiar with some of the shows you reference, but i still enjoy your analysis, so even if you tackled cancelled shows i was unable to access, i still think i'd find it worthwhile. as far as recommendations, i'm personally not opposed to controversial people/subject matter, but i tend to enjoy diverse viewpoints (i subscribe to newsletters i disagree with because i appreciate getting a different perspective--i'm weird like that ;-) it would not affect me, but i can't speak for others.
I get the impression that most people who are on Substack are here to find alternative views to their own. However, I've seen a couple which aren't necessarily as interested in learning from people who disagree with them. So I wanted to be upfront and let people know. Give them the opportunity to offer a different perspective, as you have. Which I very much appreciate.
it's good of you to be sensitive to your readership. i also get the impression that substack is a relatively openminded community, which is one of the things that drew me here in the first place :-)
For sure, they’re definitely focused on getting as many people of different views as they can manage. Including people who aren’t necessarily open to differences.
Would you be interested in helping get the word out for me as well? I’m getting some of the details figured out on that end.
how can i help?
I’m trying to broaden my subscribers. As I suggested in the post, I’m thinking of an ambassador program of sorts. Offering people paid membership to this newsletter for free in exchange for the promotion of it elsewhere. Hopefully getting people to sign up for paid subscriptions themselves at a discounted rate.
sure, let me know what you have in mind. i'd be happy to give you a recommendation, but i'm not on social media or anything, so i'm not sure i can be of much help anywhere else...