Poll: Innocence versus Grief
Let me know what you'd like me to cover next. Also, the results of the previous poll.
Hey everyone,
It’s that time again. To vote on what I should cover next. The iZombie deep dive has been written and now after getting the Christmas question out of the way, I’m looking at what to do next.
So tell me, by voting in the above poll.
Or suggest something else in the comments.
Here’s the results of the previous poll:
So, given that December and 12 Days of December have won, I’m going to do the 12 Days of Christmas running up to the 25th.
Anyway, please vote in the above poll to move things forward.
Have to vote for neither.
Oooo.... I LOVED iZombie back in the day. (I need to finish up the series.) Subscribing to make sure I catch the post.